We Blame Society, Yet We Are Society

We live in a world where whenever we are faced with issues we feel that we have no power over, we blame society” .

Be it bullying, lack of self-esteem, rape, sexual abuse, poverty, lack of Education, etc, it is always this so-called society that we blame. My question comes in here and it applies to all of us including myself :

who exactly is this society in which we speak of??

I can most certainly assure you and I that it isn’t a group of people in a boardroom or secret room discussing and deciding the different ways we should be treating each other and how we respond to certain issues. Society is you and I and everyone around us and in the world in which we live.

We are the ones who tolerate the issues that affect our world until it affects us and I am also to blame for this. We ( including me) are the ones who enforce or allow the things we see the media. We set the standard of beauty on social media where girls begin to want to change themselves for. We are the ones who wait until it affects us or people whom we are close to in order to take proper action. We turn a blind eye yet we are the ones who are the first to complain about these issues and blame “society”. You’re blaming yourself and nobody else!

If you and I want to see change, we have to enforce it on our own. Society, as we call it, will not experience change until you introduce it and bring it to being on your own.

With that long introduction, I say welcome to We Are Society.

A campaign created by two young minds who have decided to stop complaining and take action. A campaign that aims to take the issues that we blame on society and address them head on. Issues such as bullying, sexual abuse and more.

It is still a small campaign which will start with a blogging and instagram platform and then branch outwards into the streets to take charge and do. We aim to raise awareness and also be part of the change making. We can’t do it on our own. Only with your help are we able to get this campaign to reach thousands.

We will be addressing these issues by giving written ideas on how we aim to combat it and will introduce a YouTube Platform and begin to work with organisations in order to fulfill most of these plans.

For instance, with regards to poverty, we will start by educating people on poverty in general and the effects of it on our global community and then start small by assisting people in those circumstances with small food parcels and old (still in good condition) clothing that we aren’t wearing anymore and finding ways to educate children in those circumstances.

We need you to spread a word about our Campaign. I am Society. You are Society. We are Society.

Use this hashtag: #wearesociety

Contact us via dm on the instagram handles : @datguurl556 and @all_about_sneh.


Siphe and Sneh (Creaters and Founders of We Are Society)

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